About Mark Scharenbroich

Mark Scharenbroich is an award winning keynote speaker using humor to convey a motivational concept called Nice Bike. Call us at 952-939-9080 to book an event.

Thanks for Serving — A “Nice Bike” Memorial Day Tribute

Note: This post is an excerpt from my book, Nice Bike: Making Meaningful Connections on the Road to Life. In fact, this is almost the entire last chapter of the book! And it's a perfect post to honor our military [...]

2017-05-18T21:06:38-05:00By |Categories: Acknowledge, Connecting, Honoring|0 Comments

700 Candy Canes: A “Nice Bike” Christmas Story

You never know when you might create an important connection with someone that could change your life or theirs. And sometimes, you might be making a connection and not even realize it. My parents were named Norbert and Agnes, but [...]

2017-05-18T21:06:38-05:00By |Categories: Connecting|7 Comments

Homemade Italian: Honoring Nonna’s Cooking

The best dishes, from recipes handed down generation to generation, are served randomly throughout the week. The food is authentic Italian, full-flavored and made with love (and without a microwave). The grandmothers relish their time with the staff and customers.

2017-05-18T21:06:38-05:00By |Categories: Connecting, Honoring|1 Comment

A Sweet Christmas Story

Finding a quiet spot at the New York LaGuardia airport before an afternoon flight home to Minneapolis on December 23rd can be a difficult task.  However, after searching for twenty minutes, our 23-year-old daughter, Kate found a quiet hallway at [...]

“He Cut Me Off”

After reading my book, Nice Bike: Making Meaningful Connections on the Road of Life, George Kremer sent me the following: Last summer, driving on University Avenue in St. Paul, a guy in a shiny big car pulled up quickly behind [...]

Jiffy Lube Guy

It’s become an ongoing pet peeve of mine.  Not a big deal, just annoying.  It happens every time I get my car’s oil changed at my local Jiffy Lube.  Since I use synthetic oil, my car can go 5,000 miles [...]

Better Than Applause

. . . Cynthia went on to share something about each person’s hobbies, their family, their service in the community – something unique about each and every person. Her comments were specific, interesting and very complimentary. No notes. It was all from the head and from the heart.

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